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Pulse Victims will not be Charged Medical Bills

This Wednesday two Orlando hospitals that cared for victims of the Pulse Nightclub shooting announced that they would not be billing victims of the tragedy or their families for any of the expenses caused by the attack.

The medical expenses, which reach an estimated $5.5 million total, according to the Orlando Sentinel, will reportedly be covered by Orlando Health, the parent corporation of one of the hospitals in question. In a statement to ABC the company said that is is “exploring numerous options to help the victims of the Pulse nightclub tragedy address immediate and ongoing medical costs. These include state and federal funds, private insurance, victim funds like the One Orlando fund, disability insurance, Florida’s crime victim compensation program, funding sources established for individual victims, means-tested programs like Medicaid, as well as charity care provided by Orlando Health.”

Florida Hospital however, which treated 12 of the survivors, announced that it will not be seeking any compensation for the medical expenses from the tragedy.

“The pulse shooting was a horrendous tragedy for the victims, their families and our entire community,” Orlando Health President and CEO David Strong stated. “During this very trying time, many organizations, individuals and charities have reached out to Orlando Health to show their support. This is simply our way of paying that kindness forward.”

Indeed the Pulse Massacre is now the worst mass shooting in American history, resulting in 49 people dead and 53 injured, the majority of them queer people of color.

In the wake of this horrific event the Orlando community, and furthermore the LGBTQ community as a whole, have come together to support one another. The One Orlando Fund, which was set up to assist victims of the attack, has raised nearly $20 million dollars so far and the onePULSE Foundation plans on turning the nightclub into a memorial for the victims.

If you would like to find out what you can do to help victims of the Pulse massacre head here.



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