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Kim Kardashian’s Nude Photo Reveals Internalized Misogyny


Written by Maxine San Diego

 If you haven’t already noticed, the media coverage on Kim Kardashian’s recent photo has been getting a lot of attention from the media and even other celebrities. You can probably guess that a whole ton of these reactions are negative; telling Kim that she’s a bad example or that women are worth more than just their bodies. Lets look into these points.

Chloe Moretz sent out a tweet saying that Kim’s selfie sends out a bad message to people that look at her as an inspiration. First of all, there is nothing wrong with a woman being comfortable and confident with their body. After all, tons of women are struggle with their own self acceptance. Kim deciding to show her body consensually because she’s proud of it does not degrade women, but rather, empowers them.

A lot of people are comparing her to Ayesha Curry; saying to pick the right wife because being sexually liberated is such a bad example to women out there. The thing is, these two women are great but a woman has a choice on whether she wants to show her body or not— and the power of that is in the choice. No matter how much or how less a woman decides to show, the fact that she has the dignity and will to be confident with herself should be respected regardless of how much skin she’s showing.

Other people continue to throw insults at her, telling her she’s a hoe or a slut. People can’t seem to let go of the sex tape that was released without her consent years ago but they forget that she completely turned that situation around and is now a successful business woman with millions of dollars.

And lastly, lets not forget how last year when pictures of Nick Jonas and Justin Bieber in their underwear were released, you didnt see any women (or men) complaining about how they should “cover up” or how they’re such hoes or sluts. So what makes it so different with Kim?

Kind of ironic how all of this is happening on International Women’s day, but then again, Kim remains unbothered and unfazed by the hate comments. Although she has been problematic, the fact that the people on the internet have taken their stand to defend her shows us that this is what feminism really is.

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